This blog has become one of those things . . . you know the things you think about at the end of the day, the little side chores that you keep putting off because they aren't that important. I think about it and want to do it, but when the day is done and I have a few spare moments, it's not high enough on the priority list to require action. So, in keeping with my Relief Society lesson that we need to slow down and evaluate what is truly important in our lives, I have decided to let my "tight like unto a dish" blog sail quietly away into obscurity. I enjoy writing it, but I don't enjoy the sense of guilt or neglect that I have when I don't. I am in no way shape or form saying that blogging is a waste of time or unimportant because I learn new things all the time from those who are willing to put their knowledge out there on a blog. All I'm saying is that for me, at this point in my life, this blog is an "extra", something that can be let go, fairly painlessly, to relieve the stress of feeling like I have to do it all, be it all, have it all.
Thanks for the laughs and the tears and putting up with my insanity! I'll still be around, going through all the same old stuff . . . .just a little more quietly,