Friday, March 21, 2008

sore bums and strange sensations

Poor Kadin has had a rough couple of days. About Wednesday he started to have a runny nose and it has gotten worse over the past few days and he's gotten a cough from the drainage from his nose to his throat. Because of the constant sniffing and coughing he m hoasn't really slept well (which means we haven't slept well), either at night or at nap time. Then today when I went to get him up from his nap he was sitting in his crib looking quite forlorn. I asked him how he was doing and he pointed to his diaper and said "Owie." When I put him on the changing table to change his diaper, I could see the "owie" without even having to take his diaper off. He had BAD diaper rash all over his "ha-ha" and bottom and creeping down his legs. Poor little man; he screamed all through me wiping him off and rightfully so. I think I would scream if my tender parts were that raw. I had one old diaper from before we changed over to Pull-ups, so I put that on him because the leg portions are softer than the Pull-ups. Life was great for the next couple hours and then Kadin came over and sat on my lap. Strangely, when he got up to run around again, there was a huge wet spot on my leg. Either the old diaper is not quite as absorbent as the new Pull-ups or the inch thick layer of diaper cream I put on his bottom impeded it's pee-pee holding power. Either way, he was running around with an incredibly soggy diaper (and left a huge wet spot on our comforter, which I literally just got our of the washer this afternoon). Thank goodness for Bob the Builder and 8 o'clock bedtime!

1 comment:

Andi Sherwood said...

Oh bummer. :( I always feel bad for them when they have ouchie bundas. Hopefully it will get better soon. If it doesn't, you may want to take him to the doctor. It could be a yeast induced rash which doesn't really go away with the normal bunda cream. Justis got those sometimes when he was sick, especially if he was on antibiotics. :(

I love you, Chelsea! I hope you get rest tonight. :)