Saturday, October 25, 2008

Ode to digital

I cannot say how much I love digital cameras! I can take hundreds of pictures, literally, and the odds that a handful of those will turn out well are pretty good as opposed to hoping for one or two out of a whole roll! And I can check to see if I have the perfect shot and keep trying if I'm not happy!

The reason behind this tribute to technology is our now traditional fall leaves photo shoot with Kadin. My mom and I take him up to the arboreteum by the zoo, find all the beautifully colored leaves and let Kadin run amuck. This year I took 142 pictures of Kadin; most of them turned out like this:

or this one . . .

but then, in the middle of all the junk, there are a couple keepers like these:

By the way, have I mentioned that fall is my favorite season. especially in Oregon. Every day I see more and more amazing colors on the trees. And the weather has been beautiful too; sunny and a little chilly, enough for sweaters and hot chocolate!

1 comment:

Michaelangelo said...

AMEN to digital cameras!! For Kristen's wedding last week we took 382 pictures in two days. I love being able to keep snapping pics without worrying about wasting film.

I LOVE those pictures of Kadin-- you really captured his excitement and personality in those! I am hoping to get pics of my boys tomorrow in the leaves. (it's supposed to turn into winter this week... blah)