Tuesday, February 5, 2008

New prophet

Tonight when I was washing dishes in the 5 minutes I have alone during bath time I turned on the TV and went to a show I had on the DVR. It was supposed to be a scrapbooking show, but instead it was the press conference in which they announced the new prophet and first presidency. To be honest, I didn't know how I would feel when President Monson officially became the prophet. President Hinckley had been the prophet for the majority of my life (or at least the years when I understood and appreciated who the prophet was) so it was hard for me to think of someone else in the position. As President Monson stood up to speak, I didn't get an overwhelming feeling or a burning testimony; I simply felt that it was right, the calm confident feeling. I still miss President Hinckley and his cute, warm "grandpa" quality, but I know that President Monson is the right prophet. I am interested to see the places he will lead the Church.


Andi Sherwood said...

I wish I would have seen that Press Conference. I think it is cool that President Uctdoorf (now I will really have to learn to spell his name right) was called as 2nd counselor.

I totally know what you mean about President Hinckley's grandpa smile. He is someone I could totally see as the perfect grandpa. :)

Michaelangelo said...

I loved what President Monson said when he was asked "Will it be hard to follow in Pres. Hinckley's footsteps?"-- he said "No, because it's easy to walk when the trail has already been blazed." I love how organized and non-chaotic the church is.... unlike the changing of Pope's a year or two ago, or the current political mess. Aren't we lucky!

Michaelangelo said...

I must say bed rest is not my favorite... for me it's been the last 7 1/2 weeks. I'm not due until March 10, but luckily my Dr isn't going to make me go all the way until then. It's hard to lay around when I feel perfectly fine!! But, anything for the baby. Do you have any girl name ideas? We still haven't come up with anything...