Today has been one of those days; one of those days when I wish I could just crawl into a dark corner in my closet and have the rest of the world just GO AWAY!!!
Kadin has decided to live up to the moniker of "terrible twos" with a vengeance! For the last couple days, my angel baby has swung to the other side of the behavior spectrum, and to make things even better he waits to be naughty until about 4 in the afternoon, when I am starting to crash and counting the minutes until Jeremy gets home! The last couple days have been especially exasperating, but I think today took the cake, by far!
I have been waking up really early the last few days coughing up nasty stuff so I am a little sleep deprived, so I haven't really had the energy to cope with everything as well as I might have otherwise. But, even on a REALLY good night's sleep Kadin's behavior today would have pushed me to the edge. Here's a quick rundown:
- Kicking and wiggling during a particularly nasty diaper change, getting poop all over his legs, his socks, my hand and very nearly the carpet.
- Pulling the tablecloth off the table (with dishes still on it)
- Throwing every one of his 14 mini play-doh cans on the floor as hard as he possibly could, followed soon thereafter by all of the play-doh accessories
- Throwing two big handfuls of dirt from the garden into the house
- Pulling the egg container off the counter while I was checking something in the oven, breaking four eggs all over the floor
- Refusing to eat without sitting on my lap
- Screaming for 45 minutes at the top of his lungs because I wouldn't pick him up and carry him everywhere he wanted to go
Sounds exciting, right? Keep in mind all of this happened in 2 hours time. Am I going to survive a two-year old boy? We had some friends over the other night and they have a little girl who is just a couple weeks older than Kadin. They were playing together and Kadin had his "spotting scope" (an empty paper towel roll) and was whacking it all over the floor. Ireland was looking at him like he was insane and sat on the floor looking at books peacefully. What would it be like to have a kid who didn't feel the need to destroy/throw/hit anything and everything in sight? I wonder . . . .